Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Pioneer Woman's Chocolate Strawberry Nutella Cake

Nutella is every teens favorite chocolate spread. Well at least mine and my friend who we call Fish. (I could eat the stuff right out of the container, with a spoon) So in a couple of weeks its Fishes birthday, and seen as were both at different high school now we decided to celebrate it early. 
She asked me for a Nutella cake, so i was all for it until I saw The Pioneer Woman's episode when she made the Chocolate Strawberry Nutella Cake and it looked heavenly. So naturally I made that instead. 

Now let me tell you this cake was so moist and the whipped cream and strawberries made the cake. And even with just the tiny spread of nutella, you could still taste it. 

When making this I know it seems like a lot, and a little over whelming. And it wont seem necessary to even douse the strawberries in sugar and vanilla. But you have too, if you don't the cake will not be the same. 

For the Cake:
2 sticks of butter
4 heaping tablespoons of cocoa powder (I used unsweetened)
1 cup of boiling water
2 cups of flour
2 cups of sugar
1/4 teaspoons of salt
1/2 cups of buttermilk
2 whole eggs
1 teaspoons of baking soda
1 teaspoons of vanilla 
1-1/2 cups of nutella
For the Strawberries:
2 pints of strawberries, washed and slices however you want. (I make them flat)
1/4 cups of sugar
1 teaspoons of vanilla
For the Whipped Cream:
2 cups of heavy cream
1/2 cups of powdered sugar

-Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. 
-Grease 2 round baking tins
-In a medium saucepan melt the butter, add the coco and stir until smooth. Pour in the boiling water. Let the mixture bubble up for 20 seconds, then turn it off and set aside. (this makes the hot chocolate mixture)
-In a measuring pitcher or bowl, mix together the buttermilk, baking soda, eggs, and vanilla. Set aside
-In a large mixing bowl mix together the sugar, flour, and salt.
-Stir in the hot chocolate mixture, mixing gently until its halfway combined and less hot.
-Pour in the buttermilk mixture and continue mixing gently until the batter is all combined. 
-Pour the batter into the 2 pans and bake them for 17-20 minutes, or until they are set. (or a tooth pick comes out clean when put in center)
-Remove them from the pans and set them aside to cool completely
-Meanwhile prepare the strawberries buy mixing them with the sugar and vanilla. Let them marinate for 15 minutes, then drain out the access juice.
-Whip the cream with the powdered sugar
-To assemble the cake, turn the layer upside on a serving platter. 
-Spread half the nutella all over the surface. Spread on half the whipped cream and top with strawberries. 
-place the other layer upside down on top and repeat with the res of nutella, whipped cream, and strawberries.
-Keep chilled until serving

Now that you have baked you wonderfully moist, delicious chocolate cake. You can enjoy it for birthdays, party's, graduations, or when ever you feel like making it. 

Beware this cake is hard to stop eating, so you might want to make it for a party and then eat a piece there. Make sure they keep it so you don't have to take it home and keep eating it. :)

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